Well-being & Family Support
The mental health, well-being and physical health of all members of our school community, both children and staff, is of paramount importance at Hazeldene School. We are a caring community. We aim that every member of the school community feels valued and that each person is treated with dignity and respect. We value what makes each person unique. We encourage children to learn to understand themselves and each other.
We believe in helping our children to each develop as a whole person- happy and ready to take their next steps in their education and beyond primary school, regardless of their starting points. We adopt a whole school approach of support to positive mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience amongst children and staff, so that children and staff feel mentally healthy with a good sense of well-being.
Universal Support
Universally, all staff are ready to listen and support the children at Hazeldene. The class teacher and year team provide learning opportunities and ongoing support based on secure and caring relationships that are established with the children.
Youth Mental Health First Aiders
We have two Youth Mental Health First Aiders, Mrs White and Mrs McCormack who provide
additional check-ins for those children who need this.
Willis, Therapy Reading Dog
Willis is a trained therapy reading dog and visits weekly with his owner Lara, who is a parent of children at the school. Supported by Mrs McCormack who is one of our Youth Mental Health First Aiders, Willis listens to readers and has proven to have a positive impact on the mental health and reading confidence of the children who visit.
Family Support Worker Mrs MacInnes is the Family Support Worker at Hazeldene School. She supports many of the children and families within our school community.
She is based in Sunflower Room, which provides a calm and nurturing environment where the children feel comfortable to share their feelings and concerns.
She has shared some information, resources and links to websites that we think will be really useful for parents. This includes resources and strategies that you can share with your children to help support their mental health and well-being.
Should you wish to contact her, she is on Class Dojo or can be contacted via the school office 01234 300100
Mental Health Support team
Michelle Foster, Senior Mental Health Practitioner and Robyn Hearson, Education Mental Health Practitioner, work for CAMHs ( Child and Adolescence Mental Health Service) and are linked practitioners to our school. Planning meetings are held fortnightly to identify children requiring support. Michelle and Robyn work closely with parents/ carers and the children to provide early and targeted support according to the identified needs.
External Referrals
Referrals to Early Help at Bedford Borough, CHUMs and CAMHs and a range of other services can be accessed as required according to identified needs.
Mental Health and Wellbeing support is an important part of Safeguarding. Mrs Norman, Assistant Head for Inclusion and Mrs MacInnes, Family Support Worker, are also Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders and form part of the Safeguarding team, led by Mr Wilson, Head teacher who is the school's Designated Safeguarding lead. All staff receive ongoing training in relation to safeguarding, mental health and wellbeing. Please do get in touch with your child's class teacher, Mrs Norman, Assistant Head for Inclusion or any of the Wellbeing Team should you have any concern about the mental health and wellbeing of your child. We are always ready to listen and support.
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